De screeningsmammografie
Waar deelnemen?


•    Breast cancer can be detected very early thanks to the examination. This increases the chance that you will fully recover, and that the treatment will be less intensive.
•    More women recover from breast cancer.
•    The equipment is of very high quality. Women who participate in the screening programme know for sure that they will have a mammogram, the quality of which is closely monitored.
•    2 or 3 radiologists look at the images separately and also compare them with older images. In this way, changes are more easily noticed, the chance of missing breast cancer is reduced and fewer women are unnecessarily worried.
•    The examination is completely free for women aged 50 to 69 who are registered with a Belgian health insurance fund and who are up-to-date with their health insurance. 
•    The radiation dose for the examination is very low. No radiation remains in the body.